Sunday 7 February 2010

Studio Protocol and practice

In the studio there are stick protocol that must be followed:

no running in the studio because the cameras have long cables that trail along the floor and could become a trip hazard.

no food and drink in the studio because they could spill and this in turn could damage the cameras and microphones and cause a risk of being electrocuted.

No messing about on the (cans) headsets, only talk if its really needed, dont use the (cans) for general communication as their each connected to each other on the same radio wavelength and this wavelength is for the director and floor manager to give instrucyion which they would be so much harder with a conversation going on in the background.

Only allow people in the studio who are really needed for the production as their is only so much room in the studio and it is better to have only the proper people in the studio during the production.

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