Sunday 7 February 2010

Crew roles and Responsibilites

Producer- its the producer role to fund the quiz show and hire the crew and talent also its their job to find good guests for the show.

Director- its the director job to make sure the shows comes together, during production its them who are in charge, they decide which shots to use and when to cut to inserts.

Assistant Director- its the assistant director to keep track of all the insert timings and to aid the director with which shots to use.

DVD operator- its their job to play the DVD inserts when the director asks them too and its job to make sure that the right inserts are played at the right time.

Vision mixer- the vision mixer is in charge of cutting to the camera feed the director has asked for as well as cutting to any DVD inserts feeds. its also their job to perform any shot transitions that the show requires or when asked to do so by the director.

Sound operators- its the sound operators job to make sure that all sound from DVD inserts are working and that all guest microphones are working and does not cause distortion. They have to carefully alter the sound levels show that wither the guest or load or quite their voice can still be heard.

Floor Manager- The floor manger works alongside the director and is their representive on the studio floor, its their job to make sure everyone in the studio knows what going on and they also inform the guests of any microphone tests that have to be made or express any problems the director wants everyone aware off.

Assistant Floor Manager- its their job to work alongside the floor manager and make sure that audience know where to sit and know when to cheer, clap or boo to the action taking place. They also have to keep track of the score that each team has and make sure the host knows who winnings.

Camera Operators- its the camera operators job to come up with good framed shots as well as an interesting mix of shots for the director to pick from.

Assistant Camera Operators- its the assistant camera operators job to help move the camera for the camera operator and to hold the cables connected to the camera so that the camera operators dont trip over them.

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