Monday 8 February 2010

Journal of my role in the LIVE TV QUIZ SHOW

week one

During the first week we were divided into small groups and from these small groups we each assigned our self a role i choose technical manager. I worked along our post-production manager to make sure that our VT were film able. Also we discovered which round we would be making for the live show, ours was the music round.

Week two

The second week was more productive I helped film the VT inserts for the music round and I even starred in some of the videos. I set up the editing software in the right format and assisted where I could. Also this week we as a group came up with a good set idea which we called culture city.

Week three

During week three i found myself with nothing to do alot of the time so I asked the set designers if i could help paint the set, they agreed. I painted the sky on all of the flats and helped create the rope bridge on the main set piece. Later that week I painted the lights in the building for the set to make it seem more realistic as a cityscape in Silhouette.

Week four

This week we finished off the flats and began rehearsals using the last groups script. We each rotated at different roles within the studio, this was really fun as it gave us the chance to have ago lots of different roles. I started on camera and found it really easy to get the hang off. I then asked if I could direct because its something i really like doing and I hope to become a director after i leave college. This proved very fun and I really enjoyed having a go at directing.

Week five

This week we spent everyday doing rehearsals, I got to have a go at vision mixing and sound operating. Both roles I enjoyed and found no difficulty performing but I still wanted to direct during the live event as directing I enjoyed the most. Mid-week i had ago at DVD operating but found it tricky to do and messed up a few times during rehearsals. We finally found out which role we be doing in the live show and I was picked to operate the camera one and three. I was very disappointed not to be picked to direct the quiz show but I didn't complain because I knew the show had to go on and complaining that I didn't get the job role I wanted wouldn't help make a good show and it might of meant that my classmates would think differently before picking me to direct next time. We filmed the quiz show live at the end of the week, I did my job well and was praised for my good camera work i felt happy that they liked my effects but I still felt down about not directing the show.

I also asked Stuart Hilpert if I could use some of his pictures on my blog as his hand writing was neater than mine and also because he had pictures of our set.

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